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If you do not gain a place at Nottingham Emmanuel School within this timeframe and wish to remain on the waiting list for the next Academic Year a further We have a waiting list in some year groups for entry to the school. This means all children, including pre-school siblings of current pupils, need to go throughEmanuel logo. Menu. Admissions. Admissions. Where Next? Discover Emanuel School, Battersea Rise London, SW11 1HS Tel: 020 8870 4171. Fax: 020 8877 1424. Thursday 9th December 2021: Reserve 11+ entrance exam. Details of exact timings will be sent in November. Thursday 10th February 2022: Offer letters are Student admissions. Emmanuel College is a Christian ethos school for the whole community seeking the transformation of society. We welcome young people from all return of the registration form, supporting documents and payment of $150.00 registration fee ensures a student's name is included on the waiting list.
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